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Petition: Stop the Tory Cuts to Liverpool

Liverpool City Council now receives £500m less a year since the Tories came into power in 2010, propped up by the Liberal Democrats. That’s an eye watering £1,100 per household lost every year in Liverpool.

This vital funding is spent on delivering frontline services that matter to our residents: social care; education; children’s centres; leisure centres; libraries; keeping our streets clean; delivering cultural events and activities; and supporting our most vulnerable.

Liverpool Labour has protected all it can over the last 13 years under successive Tory Governments. We know people are struggling, but the Tories don’t want to listen – Instead, under Liz Truss’ failed premiership, the Tories have crashed our economy and made the cost-of-living crisis worse.

We call on the Prime Minister and Chancellor to give Liverpool the funding it needs, restoring the millions lost year on year since 2010. Liverpool deserves a fairer hand from this Tory Government.

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